The genesis of Earth Prana crystal shop traces back to a moment of introspection and inspiration during the 2020 lockdown. Marlena, an avid crystal enthusiast since the age of five. Fueled by her profound connection to crystals and their transformative potential, Marlena envisioned a haven where others could also discover the profound magic within these treasures. Supported by her kindred spirit and fiancé, Kacper, the duo embarked on a shared journey to bring Earth Prana to life. United by a shared passion and a vision, are now offering a haven for seekers and collectors alike.

The name "Earth Prana" elegantly captures the essence of our crystal shop. The word "Earth" serves as a profound representation of the exquisite crystals we offer – treasures born from the depths of the planet, each possessing unique beauty and geological history. These crystals are tangible expressions of Earth's marvels, embodying its natural wonders and timeless formations. Complementing this, "Prana" signifies the vital life force and energy inherent within these crystals. Just as Earth nurtures and sustains life, Prana encapsulates the dynamic energies that flow through these crystals, resonating with their inherent frequencies and imbuing them with healing and transformative properties. Together, "Earth Prana" encapsulates our dedication to curating the finest crystals that not only reflect the Earth's splendor but also harness the profound energies that connect us with nature's harmony.

Our approach entails forging ethical partnerships with trusted suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability and responsible mining practices. With utmost care, we prioritize crystals that are ethically extracted, minimizing environmental impact and safeguarding the delicate ecosystems they originate from. Upon selection, each crystal undergoes a thorough assessment to ensure its quality, authenticity, and energetic resonance. Our discerning eyes seek out unique specimens, celebrating their individual beauty and enchanting formations. Whether sourced locally or globally, we strive to honor the cultural and geological origins of every crystal, preserving its story and significance.


Our crystal shop embarks on an exciting new journey, and while our collection is still unfolding, its potential is boundless. As we curate a selection of the most exquisite crystals, we invite you to join us on this evolving path. While some treasures are yet to grace our shelves, we're committed to expanding our offerings as our brand flourishes. In the spirit of anticipation, we've introduced a 'pre-order' section, where you can secure your desired crystals before they even arrive. This unique opportunity allows you to be among the first to embrace these remarkable gems, ensuring that your connection to Earth's profound energies remains uninterrupted. With Earth Prana's promise of growth and exploration, our 'pre-order' option becomes a bridge between your intentions and the crystal companions that await, making your journey with us even more extraordinary.

Furthermore, at Earth Prana, we understand that each individual's connection with crystals is deeply personal and unique. If you find that the crystal you seek isn't currently available on our website or within our pre-order section, we wholeheartedly encourage you to reach out to us. Our dedicated team welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with you on a bespoke crystal order, tailored to your specific desires and intentions. Your vision becomes our mission, as we explore every avenue to source and provide you with the perfect crystal companion that resonates with your energy. By emailing Earth Prana, you initiate a journey of co-creation, allowing us to manifest the extraordinary and bring your crystal dreams to life. Your aspirations are at the heart of our endeavor, making your experience with Earth Prana a truly exceptional and personalized one.